On November 13, 2020 the Minister of Digital Government and Member of Parliament for Vancouver, the Honourable Joyce Murray, announced over $1.7 million to help support British Columbia’s small and medium-sized enterprises.

It is one of the actions that the Government of Canada is taking to help business and protect jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding – Western Economic Diversification Canada funding – comes from Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF), established to reduce the financial pressure on business and allow them to keep operating, preserving jobs and supports the Government of Canada’s campaign to create more than one million jobs.
The funding goes to not-for-profit organizations on the ground that help local businesses survive and thrive by providing services such as: mentoring, networking, skills training, market intelligence, and transitioning to a digital marketplace. Seven projects to support local businesses across the province were granted funding in this announcement:
– Community Futures Development Association of BC
– Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of BC
– Angel Forum Society
– Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre
– Immigrant Services Society of BC
– Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC
– Small Scale Food Processor Association