Vaccination for COVID-19

The rate of vaccination in Canada remains among the highest in the world, 

Vaccines and vaccination – Five COVID-19 vaccines are approved for use in Canada. They are: 

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Moderna
  • Astrazeneca
  • COVISHIELD Verity/Serum Institute of India (SII) (COVISHIELD) 
  • Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

The four first vaccines mentioned are given in two doses. People who have received one dose are considered partially vaccinated. People who have received two doses are considered fully vaccinated. 

The vaccine Janssen is given as one dose. People who have received only one dose are considered fully vaccinated. 

COVID-19 vaccination began in Canada in the week of December 13, 2020.

Vaccination coverage – In Canada, 45,677,806 doses have been administered. 69.6% of the population have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 50.18% of the population are fully vaccinated. A greater percentage of women has received the vaccine compared to men. Vaccine coverage remains highest in adults aged seventy and older. In British Columbia, anybody who wants to get vaccinated can do so by registering at the website of COVID-19 Immunization Plan – Province of British Columbia with their Personal Health Number.

As efforts continue across Canada to increase overall vaccine coverage and lower community transmission, public health measures remain the foundation of the pandemic response. It is important to consistently use multiple personal preventive practices at once as new variants of concern have been identified and are circulating. This is called a layered approach and it helps protect ourselves and others. 

Canada is also supporting indigenous communities in preparing for, monitoring and responding to COVID-19.

Bartika Dutta

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